Stranger Society.

Stranger Society.

Threaded Ink x Dear Stranger
Every month

Blog Posts, Outfit Inspos, Discount Codes, & Threaded Ink Updates

The Stranger Society is a new and improved “Dear Stranger” for those of you who remember how this all started.

Before I even had the idea of starting a clothing brand, I created a blog called Dear Stranger. The idea was that anyone could anonymously submit letters to the blog as a way to vent, come together, find gratitude, etc., without having to put it on display for the people around them, but they were still able to get it out somewhere.

I’ve been into journaling since my senior year of high school, and I find sorting things out on paper when my thoughts get jumbled in my head really helps me put the pieces all back in place.

I feel like this space is an opportunity to bring together all the things I used to have separate spaces for. I loved journaling religiously, I loved posting outfit inspos on Instagram, I loved creating monthly newsletters where I shared updates and discount codes.

So, if you’re a stranger that doesn’t want to feel like one, you can sign up for $5/month, but keep in mind you will be getting discounts to all physical merchandise!
